
“Tapping is a multipurpose technique that has changed my life in a positive way. I will teach you tapping so you can experience a more positive life.”

Diana Sturm

Somatic tapping is a type of somatic therapy which utilizes the body-mind connection to process emotions in the inner part of the brain, the amygdala. It goes by many names including EFT, TFT, SET, Energy Tapping, and Energy Psychology. Researchers have published hundreds of papers on this evidence-based technique.

What is somatic tapping?

I use the term Somatic Tapping because this name reflects the body-mind connection and how the technique activates the brain. Tapping consists of using the fingers to tap on different spots on the body while making verbal statements. Studies show that tapping anywhere on the body can create positive results, but people typically tap on different acupuncture points. Researchers found that a separate system in the body connects acupuncture points. It is unknown at this time if stimulating these points creates a greater effect or has other positive benefits. But researchers know that tapping while making verbal statements can quickly and fully release very upsetting emotions.

A “round” of tapping usually consists of tapping on anywhere from 7 to 14 points on the body. It starts with 7 basic points. I’ll check in with you after these 7 points to see how you are feeling. We may stop or do another 7 points. Tapping is a gentle touch. It is not slapping or punching. The client uses their own fingertips to tap on the points and the client repeats the statements the therapist makes.

How fast is it?

Relief can occur after just one round of tapping. We use a scale from zero to ten to measure emotions. Zero means there are no emotions or they are neutral. Ten is the maximum for an emotion. If the emotion “rage” is a 10, then “annoyance” might be a 3 or 4. Relief can mean that a client comes to a session and feels a ten on the scale and after tapping, that number may drop to a 5 or lower. More rounds may continue to reduce the number and eventually it may even reach zero. The client will feel neutral at zero.

What is somatic tapping used for?

Individuals use tapping for many things. I use it frequently with clients for trauma, but I also use it when clients say they have negative thoughts that keep popping up in their mind. Or, for releasing vows made to the self, or for “I can’t” statements, or for feelings of shame or guilt placed upon us by others, or for not following or wanting to break free from societal “standards”. That’s a big range! You can use tapping for a wide variety of different things.

After releasing the upsetting emotions and negative thoughts, individuals can also use tapping to “input” positive feelings and thoughts. Other positive uses include helping individuals relax and fall asleep more easily, as well as creating uplifting feelings of wonder, happiness, and joy.

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